Why CQ®?

Change Intelligence® (CQ®) is a unique and powerful approach empowering people to navigate change more confidently with minimal conflict and maximum collaboration, enabling organizations to create sustainable change and change capable cultures.

Unlocking Change Intelligence®

By unlocking the Change Intelligence®
in people, you bring out the best they have to offer in any change initiative.

People feel better prepared to take on challenges.

Teams feel more connected and collaborate like never before.

Organizations achieve new levels of change capability.

A common language around change creates greater communication and alignment which accelerates change and maximizes outcomes.

For the last decade, Change Intelligence®
has changed how organizations view change.

Building Change Intelligence®

Building Change Intelligence® starts with our CQ® Assessment and suite of eLearning courses which can be enhanced with in-person or virtual workshops. The CQ® Assessment reveals your Change Leadership Style: your unique blend of leading with Heart, Head, and Hands. You’ll also discover how to leverage the strengths of each style:
  • Engage Hearts so people “want it” and are willing to change.
  • Enlighten Heads so people “get it” and are ready to change.
  • Equip Hands so people can “do it” and are able to change.
Change Intelligence® gives everyone a greater sense of confidence and competence around their role, helping them see how they can make a difference. People also understand and respect the styles of others. Knowing that it takes all to successfully achieve transformational change.

CQ® minimizes misunderstandings and conflict while maximizing connection and collaboration, leading to high impact change for your organization.

Start your Change Intelligence® journey today and download two free chapters of our best-selling book Change Intelligence: Use the Power of CQ to Lead Change That Sticks

If you would like to take a deeper dive buy your copy today!