Enhancing Organizational Change Capability

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, enhancing organizational change capability is not just beneficial; it’s essential for survival. Organizations that excel in leading change can navigate the complexities of market fluctuations, technological advancements, and evolving customer expectations more effectively. Your organization may already have a change management playbook but still struggles to obtain ROI from […]

Do Men and Women Lead Change Differently?

  The short answer is “yes.” Although in the U.S. women comprise half the workforce, earn the majority of college and post-graduate degrees, and own 40% of businesses, when we look at Fortune 500 companies, only 4% of CEOs and only 16% of Board Members are women. Yet, we also know from research by Catalyst, McKinsey, […]

Leading Through Transition: 3 Powerful Tools to Equip Your Team

Dr. Bridges, a giant in the field of change management, shows us the distinction between “change” (what happens on the “outside” – be it a harrowing tsunami or a hostile take-over) and “transition” (what happens on the “inside” – our psychological and emotional reactions). As Dr. Bridges demonstrates, transitioning from the old to the new […]

Do Men and Women Lead Change Differently?

The short answer is “yes.” Although in the U.S. women comprise half the workforce, earn the majority of college and post-graduate degrees, and own 40% of businesses, when we look at Fortune 500 companies, only 4% of CEOs and only 16% of Board Members are women. Yet, we also know from research by Catalyst, McKinsey, and […]